We are excited to relaunch the Center’s Triple Crown Swim Event this holiday season. This swimming holiday tradition event includes three workout challenges over the course of the 2022 holiday season. Each workout consists of a specific number of 100’s. Swimmers in each lane will designate the pace, and many will alternate leaders during the event. This is a social yet challenging swim, as usually there are many swimmers in each lane which makes it even more fun! See the dates to participate below.
Thanksgiving Weekend Workout, Saturday, November 26, 2022
Bronze Level 15x100
Silver Level 35x100
Gold Level 50x100
Christmas Eve Workout, Saturday, December 24, 2022
Bronze Level 25x100
Silver Level 50x100
Gold Level 75x100
New Year’s Eve Workout, Saturday, December 31, 2022
Bronze Level 35x100
Silver Level 65x100
Gold Level 100x100
We will have staggered start times based on who is participating for each level. These times will be released closer to the date of the event, so we have space for all to swim!
Our team is excited to cheer you on for each length of the Triple Crown Swim Event! In addition to some fun swimming opportunities, you will also receive a Triple Crown 2022 Swim t-shirt, enjoy our post-swim socials and refreshments with other swimmers, and of course plenty of coffee! There will be a participation fee of $50 for this event.