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Updated: Nov 24, 2020

Dear Center Community, 

Fall has officially begun! The fall season brings so many different emotions; from excitement over chilly weather and fall scented everything to a lot of anticipation for the holiday season. And most of all, it can bring nervousness for the new school year. In terms of school, this fall season looks different for many, including me.

About a month ago, I started “Zoom” University. Attending school online has not been easy. I am majoring in Interior Design at Cañada College and one of my classes this semester is an architectural hand drafting class. Learning how to hand draft architectural drawings via Zoom has been the biggest challenge. I was super excited going into this class but little did I know, I was stepping into a very complex class.

It has been about five weeks since I started school and I have emerged stronger working through all of the nervous and overwhelming feelings that I have experienced. Although being in a classroom setting with a professor is more ideal, I have grown from having to learn from my mistakes without the guidance I used to have from professors pre-COVID. Now, in order to better understand different concepts, I have to seek resources beyond the classroom. This helps me see things from a broader perspective and ultimately makes me feel more confident in my work.

Just as I’ve emerged stronger through my current challenges, I have seen my fellow  Center staff emerge stronger together as well. Stepping into this fall season and the school year starting, I have seen a great partnership grow between the Member Services and Aquatics team.

Walking into the Center one morning, I couldn’t help but notice the amazing teamwork that was happening. Member Services staff, Yulin, Denise, and Jonathan were all on the pool deck with Aquatics staff Noah, working together to get the lane lines changed. Watching them get this job done quickly and efficiently showed me that the immense amount of teamwork our staff put in over the last few months has ultimately made us emerge stronger together in partnership with different programs. 

The phrase “there is strength in numbers” has never been more relevant. I have truly enjoyed watching the Center team emerge stronger together, and I look forward to this new season at the Center. How have you emerged stronger through a challenge in your life?

I look forward to seeing YOU soon!

Maddy Avilla | Member Services Supervisor

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Oct 02, 2020

Happy fall!

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