Swim School Program - Level Objectives
Use the levels listed below to help make a desicion for which level your little swimmer would best fit into.

Bubble Buddies (Level 1)
The child no longer cries during the lesson.
The child listens to the instructor.
The child can blow bubbles.
The child can float on back with assistance.
The child can do a front float with assistance.
The child can kick with assistance.
The child can jump to the instructor (from bench).
The child can voluntarily submerge head under the water.
The child can do “bobs” (rhythmic breathing) with assistance

Starfish Floaters (Level 2)
The child can float on back unassisted (10 seconds).
The child can float on stomach unassisted (5 seconds or more).
The child can glide on stomach unassisted (5ft).
The child can do a front to back rollover with assistance.
The child can independently kick with a streamline (5ft).
The child can do 5 “bobs” unassisted.
The child can tread water for 5-10 seconds.
The child can jump into water and return to wall unassisted.

Crab Kickers (Level 3)
The child can do straight leg flutter kick.
The child can streamline kick independently for 15 ft.
The child can do unassisted rollovers (back to front and front to back).
The child can kick on back unassisted.
The child can reach the 5ft bottom.
The child can tread water for 10-20 seconds.
The child can do an elementary backstroke.
The child can do 5-10 freestyle strokes (Big Arms) and roll onto back for air.
The child can do a sitting dive.

Crocodile Crawlers (Level 4)
The child can swim crawl stroke (Big Arms) 30 ft.
The child can side breath (no longer lifts head for air).
The child can tread water 20 seconds or more.
The child can do 5 breaststroke kicks.
The child can do dolphin kicks.
The child can take 10 backstroke arm strokes.
The child can do a kneeling dive.

Otter Strokes (Level 5)
The child can swim efficient freestyle with side breathing the length of the pool.
The child can swim efficient backstroke the length of the pool.
The child can swim legal breaststroke.
The child can swim legal butterfly.
The child can do a standing dive.
The child can do a summersault.

Piranha Pre-team (Level 6)
The child begins each lap with ready position followed by a streamline.
The child can swim 50 yards/meters of Freestyle with a flip turn.
The child can swim 50 yards/meters of backstroke.
The child can swim 25 yards /meters of legal Breaststroke.
The child can swim 25 yards/meters of butterfly.
The child can do a race start.
The child is ready for swim team!
For questions about our Swim School and Swim Lessons, email us at swimschool@wearepcc.com